Catalog / Light comercial AC
Roka (out of production)

The design of the duct type units allows the fresh air inlet into the room.
Static pressure in the range from 25 to 195 Pa allows you to connect…
Kitano duct type units are available in two series with the performance from 3.7 to 18.8 kW.
Kitano duct type indoor units are placed over the suspended ceiling, and cold air is distributing through the system of ducts. With this design, in the room you can see only decorative air distribution panel, and indoor unit and ducts are out of view. Kitano duct air conditioners can cool some rooms and be located outside these rooms to provide the noise level decreasing.
Kitano duct air conditioners can provide not only the recycling of air in the room, and introduce outdoor fresh air into the room to improve the air quality.